Karuk's Oath - Kill some of the ghosts on the beaches to the south.A Diplomatic Mission - This quest from the barracks asks you to speak to Karuk by Riplash Strand in the southwest.One is to the north near Farshire, and one to the south.
Plug the Sinkholes (requires Death From Above) - On the ridges above the beach head, there are two large holes in the ground. Kill them until they drop the communique. There are several summoning circles around the outskirts of town where cultists summon ghouls. Enemies of the Light - Leave town by the western exit and travel north toward Farshire. It is not known if these prerequisites are reputation-based or quest-based, but the two quests are available in the command room of the barracks. Notify Arlos - This quest also sends you back to General Arlos.Ĭompleting the preceding quests will unlock Enemies of the Light and A Diplomatic Mission. Cultists Among Us - Begins from the ring of candles on the lower deck of the Stormbreaker, and suggests you talk to the captain by the wheel. A Soldier in Need - Board the Stormbreaker (the boat in the center of town) and grab the supplies from below deck. Throw nets at the mobs if you can't kill them from range. Death From Above - Kill Scourged Flamespitters just outside of town on the Sands of Nasam. The Siege - Kill 6 Crypt Crawlers on the Sands of Nasam outside of town. (There are technically two exits to town, but the more obvious one outside the barracks is where Hammerhill is.) A Time For Heroes - Arlos sends you to Sergeant Hammerhill near the exit to town. You begin in the north and the barracks are in the south. Valiance Keep is split into a north and south half, with a boat dividing the two.
Enlistment Day - From the docks, the recruiters will send you to General Arlos.If you are looking for Horde information, you can head over to Wordaen's Horde Guide to Howling Fjord, 68-72 which cover the Howling Fjord for Horde players. Once you're done exploring, you might want to think about enlisting.
While the Keep itself isn't that big, you should take your time to explore it - if nothing else, Valliance Keep has trainer for every profession so it's a good place to get your profession cap raised. Taking the ship there will take you to Valliance Keep, the first quest hub on the Tundra and the stronghold of the Alliance. The Borean Tundra will most likely be the most popular first Northrend location for Alliance players, since you can get to it directly from the newly constructed Stormwind Harbor. This guide is focused on Alliance questing. It contains a wide variety of areas, including the completely separated region of Coldarra where The Nexus is located. Borean Tundra is one of the two "starter zones" for Northrend.